In Judaism

Judaism recognizes the plants as an indication of the revival of Zionism. Zionism is a symbol of proof that the free blossoming of the nomadic nation in its own ancient land is indeed a possibility and is a promise for the soul to continue into the everlasting. Get your Rose Of jericho today [...]

2017-02-04T14:49:01+00:00February 4th, 2017|

In Christianity

It is called the “Resurrection Plant” as it symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. It is said that it was granted the gift of immortality when Maria placed a shroud belonging to her scared baby on it. The rose blossomed beside the sacred family while they fled to Egypt, it bloomed on the day of Jesus’ [...]

2017-02-04T14:46:23+00:00February 4th, 2017|

The Arabic tradition

Of the desert people takes in the Christian myth of the Resurrection Plant, but saw in its shape the form of a hand and a rose hence the name Miriam’s Palm, the Virgin Palm, the Prophet’s Palm and the Merciful Palm. This appearance has granted the plant the Magi power of “Hamsa” – the [...]

2017-02-04T14:44:47+00:00February 4th, 2017|

Folk medicine

The plant is recognized as a remedy for infertile women, asthma and diseases of the respiratory system and digestive system, hemorrhoids, kidney stones and it cleanses the stomach and prevents miscarriage. The main attribute of the rose is associated with birth and it was used to make a drug to prevent the pain of [...]

2017-02-04T14:47:33+00:00February 4th, 2017|


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