Rose of Jericho
Resurrection plant of Jesus
Wonderful plant that grows in the holy land between Jerusalem
and the old city of Jericho Along the Dead sea
The real Jericho Rose – the fabulous plant that grows in the Holy Land, in the valley of the Dead Sea, in the vicinity of Jericho and in the Judean Desert – has captured the spirit and heart of mankind and has caught the imagination of artists, spiritual and religious people from Christianity, Judaism and Islam uniting them as one.
The Rose Of Jericho
The only website that allows you to purchase the original Rose of Jericho from the Holly land, Delivered to you stately free shipping World wide.

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The resurrection of the resurrection plant
The fabulous plant that grows in the valley of the Dead Sea on the edge of Jericho in the Judean Desert is called in Christianity the “Resurrection Plant” as it symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. It is said that it was granted the gift of immortality when Maria placed a shroud belonging to her scared baby on it. The rose blossomed beside the sacred family while they fled to Egypt, it bloomed on the day of Jesus’ birth and dried up and closed at the time of his crucifixion and opened up again on Easter Day.